Sunday, May 30, 2010

SNAP Challenge

For the month of June, I have joined Katy from The Non-Consumer Advocate and others to bring awareness to the challenges of living off of food assistance programs. Ironically enough, my food budget is lower than the government's maximum supplemental allowance for two people. I only recently increased our budget when I signed back up for Grow Alabama.

I talked it over with Dennis and we decided to give this challenge a go.

Hopefully I will be more diligent about posting menus and their cost. Something I claimed I would be doing anyways. Currently, Grow Alabama is not covered by SNAP. But last I heard, they were trying. But for this challenge, I'll say that if I can spend $120 dollars on vegetables (that's including the delivery charge) then others can certainly spend $120 dollars on vegetables from their local market. One of the pillars of the challenge is try to cook nutritious tasty meals that don't contain an excess of processed foods.

According to Katy's research. The government would give a family of two a maximum of $327 dollars. But the average is $101 a person. So that's $202 for the two of us. Dennis and I decided that anything not spent within that amount will be donated to a local organization that fights hunger in Birmingham.

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