Saturday, January 15, 2011

Freezers Make Summer Happen

So I spent a lot of time last summer talking about putting some things in the freezer for the cold winter months that seemed so far away. Well after having a dreadfully icy week I decided I wanted summer in some form or fashion - so I guess in my mouth will do!  We are halfway through January and I haven't a put a dent in my freezer stock pile. That changes now! Right now I am thawing some corn and bacon chowder and planing on eating some veggie stuffed peppers one night this week. I've also found a soup recipe that uses summer squash and corn - so I might have to thaw out my extras and make that soup in the next few weeks.

Has this week left you yearning for summer? What are you making with your frozen yellow squash?


  1. Wow, our freezer looks REALLY full when you post a picture of it like that! You're right, we should totally be eating that stuff! :-)

  2. Great explanation, thanks for the posting!
